The project is implemented under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Social Fund, Priority axis 8: Education, Measure 8.3. Strengthening and adapting vocational education and training to the needs of the labor market, Measure 8.3.4. Vocational training of youth and adults within ITI for the Poznań MOF.
- PROJECT NO: RPWP.08.03.04-30-0002/16-00
- PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATE: 01.04.2017 – 30.11.2019


Raising Vocational Qualifications of Students of Schools Providing Vocational Training
No | The name and number of the task in the project implementation schedule | Time limit for completion |
1 | Preparing, with the participation of employers, descriptions of job requirements (including professional predispositions) for which graduates of 66 school professions in schools may be employed at MOF Poznań (research conducted at employers’ premises for 66 school professions related to apprenticeships and apprenticeships) (task 1) | 01.04.2017 31.12.2017 |
2 | Organization, validation and certification of the learning outcomes acquired by students during additional specialized classes aimed at obtaining and supplementing knowledge and skills as well as professional qualifications going beyond the core curriculum of vocational education (task 8) | 01.07.2017 30.09.2019 |
3 | Adaptation of 66 curricula for occupations to the requirements of the local labor market by taking into account descriptions of requirements at workplaces and professional predispositions (task 9) | 01.09.2017 28.02.2019 |
4 | Organization and carrying out 1140 internships / apprenticeships with employers or entrepreneurs for students of technical secondary schools / basic vocational schools (task 13) | 01.01.2018 30.11.2019 |
5 | Identification based on improved curricula for the profession and descriptions of requirements at workplaces of competency gaps 1140 students interested in internships or apprenticeships with employers (task 15) | 01.01.2018 31.07.2019 |
6 | Conducting, with the participation of employers, validation and certification of acquired learning outcomes by students participating in internships and apprenticeships in companies / enterprises (task 17) | 01.05.2018 30.11.2019 |
7 | Development and improvement of the guide “Implementation taking into account the new legal regulations of dual education at the Poznań MOF” for representatives of vocational schools and employers (task 22) | 01.12.2018 30.11.2019 |
8 | Building and improving a platform for communication between employers and schools providing vocational education for the development of dual education – patron classes (task 23) | 01.01.2019 30.11.2019 |
Equipping / Retrofitting schools providing vocational training with modern equipment and materials
No | The name and number of the task in the project implementation schedule | Time limit for completion |
1 | Retrofitting / equipping workshops or workshops in 23 schools for vocational education professions and training about 80 teachers in the service (task 5) | 01.05.2017 30.09.2018 |
2 | Development of materials: modular curricula and educational packages (guides for students (U) and teachers (N)), supporting the implementation of the core curriculum in professions (task 21) | 01.12.2018 31.07.2019 |
Improving the Competences of Vocational Education Teachers, Practical Vocational Training Instructors and other teachers
No | The name and number of the task in the project implementation schedule | Time limit for completion |
1 | Improving the competences and qualifications of vocational education teachers (NKZ) and practical vocational training instructors (IPNZ) (task 3) | 01.05.2017 30.11.2019 |
2 | Preparing and conducting a series of trainings improving the qualifications and competences of vocational education teachers (NKZ) and instructors of practical vocational training (IPNZ), including training in the development of personal and social competences of students (task 20) | 01.12.2018 31.05.2019 |
Development of Educational and Vocational Counseling for Youth
No | The name and number of the task in the project implementation schedule | Time limit for completion |
1 | Development and improvement in cooperation with the environment of the Framework Program of the Intra-School System of Vocational Counseling (WSDZ) for technicians and the Framework Program of the Intra-School System of Vocational Counseling for basic vocational schools of the Poznań Functional Area (MOFP) – in accordance with the requirements of the Education System Act and the ministerial regulation on organization psychological and pedagogical assistance in schools, kindergartens and educational institutions (task 2) | 01.04.2017 30.11.2017 |
2 | Adaptation according to individual interior design projects of 23 classrooms for the needs of SPINKA, including access for the disabled and retrofitting 23 “SPin (e) K” (task 4) | 01.05.2017 30.09.2018 |
3 | Financing postgraduate studies leading to the qualifications of educational and vocational counselors by persons carrying out tasks in the field of educational and vocational counseling in schools and institutions that do not have qualifications in this field – in accordance with the program recommended by KOWEZiU (task 6) | 01.05.2017 30.11.2019 |
4 | Establishing a Youth Forum for the exchange of “good practices” in career counseling and conducting regular meetings (task 7) | 01.07.2017 30.11.2019 |
5 | Development and improvement in cooperation with the environment (including internships and apprenticeships) of vocational counseling standards for technicians and vocational counseling standards in basic vocational schools of MOFP (task 10) | 01.09.2017 30.11.2019 |
6 | Development and improvement of an IT tool supporting a teacher and a career counselor in working with a student at SPinCe (task 11) | 01.12.2017 30.11.2019 |
7 | A series of trainings on improving the qualifications of teachers, educational and vocational advisors, who conduct educational and vocational counseling classes in schools, including preparation for conducting classes on the Individual Career Plan (IPK) (task 12) | 01.12.2017 31.10.2019 |
8 | Development of a guide with recommendations on the use of existing resources from educational and vocational counseling in work with young people of schools providing vocational training by teachers performing the tasks of vocational counselor, career counselors (task 14) | 01.01.2018 30.11.2019 |
9 | Development and improvement of a set of 3 methodological guides for the teacher (N), student (U) and parents (R): How to plan your own educational and professional development? A guide for students of ZSZ and T; How to support ZSZ and T students in designing educational and professional development? – a teacher’s guide (volume 1 – individual counseling, volume 2 – group counseling); I support my child in planning a professional career. A guide for a parent, electronic version) (task 16) | 01.04.2018 30.11.2019 |
10 | Organization of additional classes on educational and vocational counseling (group and individual) for students of vocational schools and technical schools from the Poznań MOF, together with the development of an Individual Career Plan (IPK) for each participant (task 18) | 01.08.2018 30.11.2019 |
11 | Development and improvement of a local (City of Poznań) database of information on the educational offer intended for students of vocational secondary schools (post-secondary schools), qualifying vocational courses, universities (task 19) | 01.09.2018 30.11.2019 |
Planned effects (indicators)
- The support will cover 23 schools providing vocational training (19 schools under the City of Poznań, 3 from Śrem County, 1 from the Oborniki Commune). In these schools, incl. vocational training laboratories / school workshops will be equipped with equipment and materials enabling the implementation of the core curriculum for vocational education in conditions similar to the actual work environment, and conditions will be created for the implementation of educational and vocational counseling through the creation and additional equipment of the workshop (School Information and Career Point), developing Programs of the Intra-School System of Vocational Counseling and standards of vocational counseling for new types of vocational schools and teaching materials for conducting classes.
- It is estimated that 1,689 students from 23 schools will benefit from various forms of support (one student will be able to use several forms of support), including:
- 1140 students (330 women) will have an internship / apprenticeship in companies;
- 585 students (30 women) will take part in specialist trainings going beyond the core curriculum for vocational education;
- 1104 students (330 women) will take part in educational and vocational counseling classes.
- Support will be provided to 128 teachers of vocational education and practical vocational training instructors (one teacher will be able to use several forms of support) from 23 schools, including:
- 30 teachers (15 women) will participate in post-graduate studies preparing to practice as a teacher of vocational subjects, or in the case of vocational education teachers and instructors – they will be able to extend the scope of education with a new profession / qualifications;
- 80 vocational education teachers (48 women) will be trained in the use of additional equipment provided to the school for vocational training / school workshops;
- 48 vocational education teachers (24 women) will take part in a series of trainings to improve qualifications and competences, including training in the development of personal and social competences of students;
- 50 vocational education teachers (30 women) will take part in internships in companies.
- Support will also cover 78 teachers related to educational and vocational counseling in 23 schools, of which:
- 48 teachers (33 women) will take part in a series of training courses on improving the qualifications of career counselors, including obtaining preparation for conducting classes in the Individual Career Plan with students;
- 30 teachers (21 women) who perform career counseling tasks in schools will complete postgraduate studies leading to the qualification of a career counselor.